What's New

The whole website, for one thing! :-)

My thanks to all the wonderful readers who sent me ideas for changes and things they'd like to see on the new website. If you contributed and you don't see your suggestion, there's a good possibility I missed it! Please, email me again or give me a Shout in the ShoutBox on the HOME page.

Or, if you didn't send in an idea before, but you'd like to now, feel free! I'm hoping we've kept this site fluid enough to easily and quickly make changes.

The goal for this page is to serve as a place where I can share all my latest writing news...or, knowing me, at least update you monthly!


The tail-end of summer, August is my birthday month and one of my favorites! I have favorite things about almost all the months, to be honest, but I've always thought of August as kind of 'mine' and I look forward to its coming.

In the past, it's always been a busy month getting the boys ready to go back to school - shopping for clothes and supplies... have I mentioned how I can spend literally hours wandering through office supply stores or the aisles of school supplies? They're fascinating, dangerously expensive places for me... almost as bad as book stores!!!

This year, I'm mostly looking forward to getting beyond August. My 'baby' is starting college, so he's not into the whole 'back to school' shopping trip anymore. And with five more months until my next release, I'm getting antsy to get that next book out there. It's hard to not say the wrong thing when I'm working TWO books ahead of where the readers are!!! :-)

I gave myself this month to stay home -- no appearances anywhere: no signings, no conferences, no workshops. I'm looking forward to catching up on all the things that fall behind when I'm working desperately to finish a book. Poor fish... they're down to getting their tank cleaned only twice a year now!!!

As usual, I've begun working on the next book. I'll try to keep up with my thoughts on it - journal style - on the WIP page. We'll see if this feature is worth keeping around as time goes on.

Here's wishing you a fantastic end of summer -- see you in September!

~ Melissa



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Questions/comments about our website? E-mail webmaster@melissamayhue.com
Last Update: August 21st, 2009